Monday, April 23, 2007

Romney Discusses Biggest Issues Facing America

Chill Pill Vol. 2

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Groove Gravy Records

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written April 23, 2007

I finally tore myself away from the Yankees-Red Sox series to indulge my fix of You Choose ’08 videos. First up: Mitt Romney describing the “biggest issue that America faces” – a lofty enough subject for any serious presidential contender. In the span of 1 minute, 48 seconds, Romney goes on to identify not just one, but eight whopper issues facing the country:
1) The spread of radical Jihad
2) Nuclear proliferation
3) The emergence of Asia as an economic competitor
4) A deteriorating family structure (is this code for Romney’s opposition to same sex marriage?)
5) Better schools
6) Better health care
7) The environment
8) Energy independence

Shouldn't Iraq be at the top of the list? Other hot button issues left out of the great eight: global climate change, free trade, and immigration.

1 comment:

Hank Taylor said...

Iraq, Afghanistan, and the "War on Terror" would be under the umbrella of Romney's first defined issue. Global climate change? That sounds an awful lot like number eight: the environment. Free trade would not be considered a "hot button issue" by even two percent of Americans, though it is an issue; however, it is curious that Romney didn't mention immigration as a big issue, specifically illegal immagration and closing our borders. He has mentioned that issue and offered his opinions about it and all of these issues on many other occasions.