Friday, April 27, 2007

Democratic Candidates Square Off in First Debate


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    written April 27, 2007

    The eight democratic contenders participated in their first major debate last night on the campus of South Carolina State University. Sadly, I missed the entire event, but not surprisingly there’s no shortage of print coverage of the debate in the blogosphere and mainstream print media to fill me in on what I missed. Based on the reports I've read, foreign policy topics (notably Iraq and Iran) produced several testy exchanges originating on the left-wing side of the party from Mike Gravel and Dennis Kucinich . Overall, the pundits appear to agree that overall the debate was a rather tame affair that produced neither any regrettable emotional outbursts on the part of the candidates nor a shakeup of the current front-runners -- Clinton, Edwards, and Obama.

    In the hope of finding a video replay of the event I went to MSNBC’s website, but all they are offering is a measly 13 minute 50 second segment from the full 90 minute debate. What about the other 75 minutes? Oh, I should point out the network is offering a full length transcript if you have the time, patience, and will power to click through 20 web pages of text. So the network is providing a full transcription, but not the full video. If this were year 2004, I would cut MSNBC some slack for this omission. Offering 90 minutes of video in the form of multiple shorter segments is not an unreasonable expectation.

    The next major debate features the Republican candidates on May 3 at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, CA. MSNBC will again televise the debate, but in a very creative and interactive twist the will stream the event over the Internet and provide viewers an opportunity to question the candidates in real-time. Finally, the debate forum meets Web 2.0. And hopefully, this time, MSNBC will make the full length video replay available afterwards on its website!!!

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