Friday, April 13, 2007

New York Joins the Super-Duper Tuesday Bash

Fourteen Autumns, Fifteen Winters
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written on April 9, 2007

New York Governor Eliot Spitzer signed off on legislation today bumping up the state’s presidential primary from March 4 to February 5. New York joins a growing list of states that have moved up their primary dates to Feb 5. Dubbed “Super-Duper Tuesday,” February 5 is shaping up to be a key milestone in the race. So far about a dozen states will be running primaries on this date, including Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Missouri, New Jersey, Oklahoma and Utah. Another dozen or so states are considering a similar move. The AP quotes Spitzer stating, "Moving the primary date to February, we will help secure New York's large and diverse population an influential voice in selecting the 2008 presidential nominees." This front loading of the primaries will no doubt place significant strain on the candidates’ abilities to allocate stump time in each state leading up to the primaries. Frontloading is also likely to be a huge sink for campaign dollars as each candidate splurges on television ads. Will Super-Duper Tuesday (BTW – couldn’t the pundits come up with a better name than that?) steal thunder from Iowa, Nevada, and New Hampshire or make success in these earliest of primaries all the more critical? Regardless, there stands a good chance the party nominations will be locked up just a few short weeks after the Iowa Caucus. Click on the links to check out the primary schedules for the Democrats and Republicans.

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