Thursday, April 12, 2007

MySpace to Run Presidential Election in January ‘08

written on April 5th, 2007

In the latest election development in the Internet space, CNET reports that MySpace plans to hold a virtual presidential election on January 1 and 2, 2008. Given the millions of users on MySpace, this event could in fact prove to be the first real significant barometer of the public’s preference for candidates. With the election dates set for the first two days of January, the MySpace election could even end up trumping both the Iowa and New Hampshire primaries as the bellwether indicator for each candidate’s electoral viability. MySpace President Tom Anderson stated: “"Iowa and New Hampshire may be selecting delegates, but the MySpace vote will be the first test of where candidates stand in the election year."

Each of the candidates have created MySpace profiles and is tracking the number of friends each candidate has on a weekly basis. As of today, Barack Obama leads all candidates on MySpace with over 92,000 friends -- nearly three times the number of “friends” as claimed by Hillary Clinton. On the Republican side, Ron Paul leads the field with a little over 5,000 friends. Only 5,000 friends!! I don’t understand this. Why don’t the Republican candidates have more of an active base on MySpace??? Obama’s effectiveness in raising significant funds via the Internet (about $7M) clearly demonstrates that the Internet space matters in this race.

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