Friday, May 11, 2007

A Majority of Americans Place Trust in Democrats' Ability to Lead US Economy

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    written May 11, 2007

    Those poll obsessed pollsters at Gallup reported today that a majority of Americans are more confident in the Democrats' ability to handle issues related to the economy. Gallup asked people within its sample group to rate the extent to which they have confidence in Democratic leaders in Congress, Republican leaders in Congress, Fed Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, and President Bush to “recommend the right thing for the economy.” 54% of those polled said they have a great deal or fair amount of confidence in Democratic leaders. Of the four groups, President Bush had the lowest support with 43% of Americans placing trust in his ability to lead on economic issues. According to Gallup, this is the first time in the seven-year history of this particular pole that a majority of Americans voiced more confidence in Democrats compared to the other three national leaders on economic issues. The bar graph below charts the results of the poll.

    Perhaps the most notable finding from the poll, is the percentage of self-described Republicans who placed more trust in the Democratic leaders in Congress to do the right thing for the economy. 34% of Republicans sided with the Democrats whereas 27% of Democrats placed more confidence in the Republican leaders in Congress.

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    1 comment:

    crazywanda said...

    dan loretta! where art thou